
By default the return values of the commands sent to the Salt minions are returned to the Salt master, however anything at all can be done with the results data.

By using a Salt returner, results data can be redirected to external data-stores for analysis and archival.

Returners pull their configuration values from the Salt minions. Returners are only configured once, which is generally at load time.

The returner interface allows the return data to be sent to any system that can receive data. This means that return data can be sent to a Redis server, a MongoDB server, a MySQL server, or any system.

Using Returners

All Salt commands will return the command data back to the master. Specifying returners will ensure that the data is _also_ sent to the specified returner interfaces.

Specifying what returners to use is done when the command is invoked:

salt '*' --return redis_return

This command will ensure that the redis_return returner is used.

It is also possible to specify multiple returners:

salt '*' --return mongo_return,redis_return,cassandra_return

In this scenario all three returners will be called and the data from the command will be sent out to the three named returners.

Writing a Returner

A returner is a Python module which contains a function called returner.

The returner function must accept a single argument for the return data from the called minion function. So if the minion function is called the value of the argument will be True.

A simple returner is implemented below:

import redis
import json

def returner(ret):
    Return information to a redis server
    # Get a redis connection
    serv = redis.Redis(
    serv.sadd("%(id)s:jobs" % ret, ret['jid'])
    serv.set("%(jid)s:%(id)s" % ret, json.dumps(ret['return']))
    serv.sadd('jobs', ret['jid'])
    serv.sadd(ret['jid'], ret['id'])

The above example of a returner set to send the data to a Redis server serializes the data as JSON and sets it in redis.

Place custom returners in a _returners directory within the file_roots specified by the master config file.

Custom returners are distributed when any of the following are called:




Any custom returners which have been synced to a minion that are named the same as one of Salt's default set of returners will take the place of the default returner with the same name.

Note that a returner's default name is its filename (i.e. becomes returner foo), but that its name can be overridden by using a __virtual__ function. A good example of this can be found in the redis returner, which is named but is loaded as simply redis:

    import redis
    HAS_REDIS = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_REDIS = False

__virtualname__ = 'redis'

def __virtual__():
    if not HAS_REDIS:
        return False
    return __virtualname__