
Debian Package builder system

New in version 2015.8.0.

This system allows for all of the components to build debs safely in chrooted environments. This also provides a function to generate debian repositories

This module impliments the pkgbuild interface, tgt, dest_dir, spec, sources, deps, env, template, saltenv='base', log_dir='/var/log/salt/pkgbuild')

Given the package destination directory, the tarball containing debian files (e.g. control) and package sources, use pbuilder to safely build the platform package

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgbuild.make_src_pkg deb-8-x86_64 /var/www/html

This example command should build the libnacl package for Debian using pbuilder and place it in /var/www/html/ on the minion

salt.modules.debbuild.make_repo(repodir, keyid=None, env=None)

Given the repodir, create a Debian repository out of the dsc therein

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgbuild.make_repo /var/www/html/
salt.modules.debbuild.make_src_pkg(dest_dir, spec, sources, env=None, template=None, saltenv='base')

Create a platform specific source package from the given platform spec/control file and sources

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgbuild.make_src_pkg /var/www/html/

This example command should build the libnacl SOURCE package and place it in /var/www/html/ on the minion