
Module for running arbitrary tests

salt.modules.test.arg(*args, **kwargs)

Print out the data passed into the function *args and `kwargs, this is used to both test the publication data and cli argument passing, but also to display the information available within the publication data. Returns {"args": args, "kwargs": kwargs}.

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.arg 1 "two" 3.1 txt="hello" wow='{a: 1, b: "hello"}'
salt.modules.test.arg_repr(*args, **kwargs)

Print out the data passed into the function *args and `kwargs, this is used to both test the publication data and cli argument passing, but also to display the information available within the publication data. Returns {"args": repr(args), "kwargs": repr(kwargs)}.

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.arg_repr 1 "two" 3.1 txt="hello" wow='{a: 1, b: "hello"}'
salt.modules.test.arg_type(*args, **kwargs)

Print out the types of the args and kwargs. This is used to test the types of the args and kwargs passed down to the minion

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.arg_type 1 'int'

Assert the given argument

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.assertion False

Call grains.items via the attribute

CLI Example:

.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' test.attr_call

Execute the collatz conjecture from the passed starting number, returns the sequence and the time it took to compute. Used for performance tests.

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.collatz 3

Return the value for in the minion configuration file, or return the default value

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.conf_test
salt.modules.test.cross_test(func, args=None)

Execute a minion function via the __salt__ object in the test module, used to verify that the minion functions can be called via the __salt__ module.

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.cross_test file.gid_to_group 0

Return a string - used for testing the connection

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.echo 'foo bar baz quo qux'
salt.modules.test.exception(message='Test Exception')

Raise an exception

Optionally provide an error message or output the full stack.

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.exception 'Oh noes!'

Always return False

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.false

Return the num-th Fibonacci number, and the time it took to compute in seconds. Used for performance tests.

This function is designed to have terrible performance.

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.fib 3

Return the configuration options passed to this minion

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.get_opts

Print out the data passed into the function **kwargs, this is used to both test the publication data and cli kwarg passing, but also to display the information available within the publication data.

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.kwarg num=1 txt="two" env='{a: 1, b: "hello"}'

Return a dict containing all of the exeution modules with a report on the overall availability via different references

CLI Example:

.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' test.module_report

List the modules that were not loaded by the salt loader system

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.not_loaded

Return an opts package with the grains and opts for this minion. This is primarily used to create the options used for master side state compiling routines

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.opts_pkg

Test the outputter, pass in data to return

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.outputter foobar

Used to make sure the minion is up and responding. Not an ICMP ping.

Returns True.

CLI Example:

salt '*'

Pass in a function name to discover what provider is being used

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.provider service

Return a dict of the provider names and the files that provided them

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.providers

Sleep for a random number of seconds, used to test long-running commands and minions returning at differing intervals

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.rand_sleep 60
salt.modules.test.rand_str(size=9999999999, hash_type=None)

Return a random string

size of the string to generate

hash type to use

New in version 2015.5.2.

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.rand_str

Test that the returncode system is functioning correctly

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.retcode 42

Instruct the minion to initiate a process that will sleep for a given period of time.

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.sleep 20

Return the current stack trace

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.stack

Always return True

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.true
salt.modules.test.try_(module, return_try_exception=False, **kwargs)

Try to run a module command. On an exception return None. If return_try_exception is set True return the exception. This can be helpful in templates where running a module might fail as expected.

CLI Example:

{% for i in range(0,230) %}
    {{ salt['test.try'](module='ipmi.get_users', bmc_host='172.2.2.'+i)|yaml(False) }}
{% endfor %}
salt.modules.test.tty(*args, **kwargs)

Deprecated! Moved to cmdmod.

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.tty tty0 'This is a test'
salt '*' test.tty pts3 'This is a test'

Return the version of salt on the minion

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.version

This function is an alias of versions_report.

Returns versions of components used by salt

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.versions_report

Report the versions of dependent and system software

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.versions_information

Returns versions of components used by salt

CLI Example:

salt '*' test.versions_report