salt.pillar.consul_pillar module

Use consul data as a Pillar source

  • python-consul

In order to use an consul server, a profile must be created in the master configuration file:

  consul.port: 8500

After the profile is created, configure the external pillar system to use it. Optionally, a root may be specified.

  - consul: my_consul_config

  - consul: my_consul_config root=/salt

Using these configuration profiles, multiple consul sources may also be used:

  - consul: my_consul_config
  - consul: my_other_consul_config

The minion_id may be used in the root path to expose minion-specific information stored in consul.

  - consul: my_consul_config root=/salt/%(minion_id)s

Minion-specific values may override shared values when the minion-specific root appears after the shared root:

  - consul: my_consul_config root=/salt-shared
  - consul: my_other_consul_config root=/salt-private/%(minion_id)s
salt.pillar.consul_pillar.consul_fetch(client, path)

Query consul for all keys/values within base path

salt.pillar.consul_pillar.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, conf)

Check consul for all data

salt.pillar.consul_pillar.fetch_tree(client, path)

Grab data from consul, trim base path and remove any keys which are folders. Take the remaining data and send it to be formatted in such a way as to be used as pillar data.

salt.pillar.consul_pillar.get_conn(opts, profile)

Return a client object for accessing consul

salt.pillar.consul_pillar.pillar_format(ret, keys, value)

Perform data formatting to be used as pillar data and merge it with the current pillar data