
Renderer that will decrypt GPG ciphers

Any key in the SLS file can be a GPG cipher, and this renderer will decrypt it before passing it off to Salt. This allows you to safely store secrets in source control, in such a way that only your Salt master can decrypt them and distribute them only to the minions that need them.

The typical use-case would be to use ciphers in your pillar data, and keep a secret key on your master. You can put the public key in source control so that developers can add new secrets quickly and easily.

This renderer requires the gpg binary.

No python libraries are required as of the 2015.8.3 release.

To set things up, you will first need to generate a keypair. On your master, run:

# mkdir -p /etc/salt/gpgkeys
# chmod 0700 /etc/salt/gpgkeys
# gpg --gen-key --homedir /etc/salt/gpgkeys

Do not supply a password for your keypair, and use a name that makes sense for your application. Be sure to back up your gpg directory someplace safe!


Unfortunately, there are some scenarios - for example, on virtual machines which don’t have real hardware - where insufficient entropy causes key generation to be extremely slow. If you come across this problem, you should investigate means of increasing the system entropy. On virtualised Linux systems, this can often be achieved by installing the rng-tools package.

To retrieve the public key:

# gpg --homedir /etc/salt/gpgkeys --armor --export <KEY-NAME>         > exported_pubkey.gpg

Now, to encrypt secrets, copy the public key to your local machine and run:

$ gpg --import exported_pubkey.gpg

To generate a cipher from a secret:

$ echo -n "supersecret" | gpg --armor --encrypt -r <KEY-name>

To apply the renderer on a file-by-file basis add the following line to the top of any pillar with gpg data in it:


Now with your renderer configured, you can include your ciphers in your pillar data like so:


a-secret: |
  Version: GnuPG v1

  -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
salt.renderers.gpg.render(gpg_data, saltenv='base', sls='', argline='', **kwargs)

Create a gpg object given a gpg_keydir, and then use it to try to decrypt the data to be rendered.