
Return salt data via email

The following fields can be set in the minion conf file. Fields are optional unless noted otherwise.

  • from (required) The name/address of the email sender.

  • to (required) The name/address of the email recipient.

  • host (required) The SMTP server hostname or address.

  • port The SMTP server port; defaults to 25.

  • username The username used to authenticate to the server. If specified a

    password is also required. It is recommended but not required to also use TLS with this option.

  • password The password used to authenticate to the server.

  • tls Whether to secure the connection using TLS; defaults to False

  • subject The email subject line.

  • fields Which fields from the returned data to include in the subject line

    of the email; comma-delimited. For example: id,fun. Please note, the subject line is not encrypted.

  • gpgowner A user's ~/.gpg directory. This must contain a gpg

    public key matching the address the mail is sent to. If left unset, no encryption will be used. Requires python-gnupg to be installed.

  • template The path to a file to be used as a template for the email body.

  • renderer A Salt renderer, or render-pipe, to use to render the email

    template. Default jinja.

Below is an example of the above settings in a Salt Minion configuration file:

smtp.from: localhost
smtp.port: 1025

Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location. For example:

alternative.smtp.username: saltdev
alternative.smtp.password: saltdev
alternative.smtp.tls: True

To use the SMTP returner, append '--return smtp' to the salt command.

salt '*' --return smtp

To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.

New in version 2015.5.0.

salt '*' --return smtp --return_config alternative

An easy way to test the SMTP returner is to use the development SMTP server built into Python. The command below will start a single-threaded SMTP server that prints any email it receives to the console.

python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025
salt.returners.smtp_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)

Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id


Send an email with the data