
Installation of packages using OS package managers such as yum or apt-get


On minions running systemd>=205, as of version 2015.8.12, 2016.3.3, and Carbon, systemd-run(1) is now used to isolate commands which modify installed packages from the salt-minion daemon's control group. This is done to keep systemd from killing the package manager commands spawned by Salt, when Salt updates itself (see KillMode in the systemd.kill(5) manpage for more information). If desired, usage of systemd-run(1) can be suppressed by setting a config option called systemd.use_scope, with a value of False (no quotes).

Salt can manage software packages via the pkg state module, packages can be set up to be installed, latest, removed and purged. Package management declarations are typically rather simple:


A more involved example involves pulling from a custom repository.

    - humanname: Logstash PPA
    - name: ppa:wolfnet/logstash
    - dist: precise
    - file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/logstash.list
    - keyid: 28B04E4A
    - keyserver:

    - fromrepo: ppa:wolfnet/logstash

Multiple packages can also be installed with the use of the pkgs state module

    - humanname: Dotdeb
    - name: deb wheezy-php55 all
    - dist: wheezy-php55
    - file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dotbeb.list
    - keyid: 89DF5277
    - keyserver:
    - refresh_db: true

    - fromrepo: wheezy-php55
    - pkgs:
      - php5-fpm
      - php5-cli
      - php5-curl


Package names are currently case-sensitive. If the minion is using a package manager which is not case-sensitive (such as pkgng), then this state will fail if the proper case is not used. This will be addressed in a future release of Salt.

salt.states.pkg.group_installed(name, skip=None, include=None, **kwargs)

New in version 2015.8.0.

Ensure that an entire package group is installed. This state is currently only supported for the yum package manager.


Packages that would normally be installed by the package group ("default" packages), which should not be installed.

Load Balancer:
    - skip:
      - piranha

Packages which are included in a group, which would not normally be installed by a yum groupinstall ("optional" packages). Note that this will not enforce group membership; if you include packages which are not members of the specified groups, they will still be installed.

Load Balancer:
    - include:
      - haproxy

Changed in version Boron: This option can no longer be passed as a comma-separated list, it must now be passed as a list (as shown in the above example).


Because this is essentially a wrapper around pkg.install, any argument which can be passed to pkg.install may also be included here, and it will be passed on to the call to pkg.install.

salt.states.pkg.installed(name, version=None, refresh=None, fromrepo=None, skip_verify=False, skip_suggestions=False, pkgs=None, sources=None, allow_updates=False, pkg_verify=False, normalize=True, ignore_epoch=False, **kwargs)

Ensure that the package is installed, and that it is the correct version (if specified).

  • name (str) -- The name of the package to be installed. This parameter is ignored if either "pkgs" or "sources" is used. Additionally, please note that this option can only be used to install packages from a software repository. To install a package file manually, use the "sources" option detailed below.
  • version (str) --

    Install a specific version of a package. This option is ignored if "sources" is used. Currently, this option is supported for the following pkg providers: apt, ebuild, pacman, win_pkg, yumpkg, and zypper. The version number includes the release designation where applicable, to allow Salt to target a specific release of a given version. When in doubt, using the pkg.latest_version function for an uninstalled package will tell you the version available.

    # salt myminion pkg.latest_version vim-enhanced


    As of version 2015.8.7, for distros which use yum/dnf, packages which have a version with a nonzero epoch (that is, versions which start with a number followed by a colon like in the pkg.latest_version output above) must have the epoch included when specifying the version number. For example:

        - version: 2:7.4.160-1.el7

    In version 2015.8.9, an ignore_epoch argument has been added to pkg.installed, pkg.removed, and pkg.purged states, which causes the epoch to be disregarded when the state checks to see if the desired version was installed.

    Also, while this function is not yet implemented for all pkg frontends, pkg.list_repo_pkgs will show all versions available in the various repositories for a given package, irrespective of whether or not it is installed.

    # salt myminion pkg.list_repo_pkgs httpd

    The version strings returned by either of these functions can be used as version specifiers in pkg states.

    You can install a specific version when using the pkgs argument by including the version after the package:

        - pkgs:
          - unzip
          - dos2unix
          - salt-minion: 2015.8.5-1.el6

    If the version given is the string latest, the latest available package version will be installed à la pkg.latest.

  • refresh (bool) --

    This parameter controls whether or not the packge repo database is updated prior to installing the requested package(s).

    If True, the package database will be refreshed (apt-get update or equivalent, depending on platform) before installing.

    If False, the package database will not be refreshed before installing.

    If unset, then Salt treats package database refreshes differently depending on whether or not a pkg state has been executed already during the current Salt run. Once a refresh has been performed in a pkg state, for the remainder of that Salt run no other refreshes will be performed for pkg states which do not explicitly set refresh to True. This prevents needless additional refreshes from slowing down the Salt run.

  • fromrepo (str) --

    Specify a repository from which to install


    Distros which use APT (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.) do not have a concept of repositories, in the same way as YUM-based distros do. When a source is added, it is assigned to a given release. Consider the following source configuration:

    deb precise main

    The packages provided by this source would be made available via the precise release, therefore fromrepo would need to be set to precise for Salt to install the package from this source.

    Having multiple sources in the same release may result in the default install candidate being newer than what is desired. If this is the case, the desired version must be specified using the version parameter.

    If the pkgs parameter is being used to install multiple packages in the same state, then instead of using version, use the method of version specification described in the Multiple Package Installation Options section below.

    Running the shell command apt-cache policy pkgname on a minion can help elucidate the APT configuration and aid in properly configuring states:

    root@saltmaster:~# salt ubuntu01 'apt-cache policy ffmpeg'
        Installed: (none)
        Candidate: 7:0.10.11-1~precise1
        Version table:
            7:0.10.11-1~precise1 0
                500 precise/main amd64 Packages
            4:0.8.10-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 0
                500 precise-updates/main amd64 Packages
                500 precise-security/main amd64 Packages
            4:0.8.1-0ubuntu1 0
                500 precise/main amd64 Packages

    The release is located directly after the source's URL. The actual release name is the part before the slash, so to install version 4:0.8.10-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 either precise-updates or precise-security could be used for the fromrepo value.

  • skip_verify (bool) -- Skip the GPG verification check for the package to be installed
  • skip_suggestions (bool) --

    Force strict package naming. Disables lookup of package alternatives.

    New in version 2014.1.1.

  • allow_updates (bool) --

    Allow the package to be updated outside Salt's control (e.g. auto updates on Windows). This means a package on the Minion can have a newer version than the latest available in the repository without enforcing a re-installation of the package.

    New in version 2014.7.0.


        - fromrepo: mycustomrepo
        - skip_verify: True
        - skip_suggestions: True
        - version: 2.0.6~ubuntu3
        - refresh: True
        - allow_updates: True
        - hold: False
  • pkg_verify (bool) --

    New in version 2014.7.0.

    For requested packages that are already installed and would not be targeted for upgrade or downgrade, use pkg.verify to determine if any of the files installed by the package have been altered. If files have been altered, the reinstall option of pkg.install is used to force a reinstall. Types to ignore can be passed to pkg.verify (see example below). Currently, this option is supported for the following pkg providers: yumpkg.


        - version: 2.2.15-30.el6.centos
        - pkg_verify: True
        - pkgs:
          - foo
          - bar: 1.2.3-4
          - baz
        - pkg_verify:
          - ignore_types: [config,doc]
  • normalize (bool) --

    Normalize the package name by removing the architecture, if the architecture of the package is different from the architecture of the operating system. The ability to disable this behavior is useful for poorly-created packages which include the architecture as an actual part of the name, such as kernel modules which match a specific kernel version.

    New in version 2014.7.0.


        - normalize: False
  • ignore_epoch (bool) --

    When a package version contains an non-zero epoch (e.g. 1:3.14.159-2.el7, and a specific version of a package is desired, set this option to True to ignore the epoch when comparing versions. This allows for the following SLS to be used:

    # Actual vim-enhanced version: 2:7.4.160-1.el7
        - version: 7.4.160-1.el7
        - ignore_epoch: True

    Without this option set to True in the above example, the package would be installed, but the state would report as failed because the actual installed version would be 2:7.4.160-1.el7. Alternatively, this option can be left as False and the full version string (with epoch) can be specified in the SLS file:

        - version: 2:7.4.160-1.el7

    New in version 2015.8.9.


  • pkgs (list) --

    A list of packages to install from a software repository. All packages listed under pkgs will be installed via a single command.


        - pkgs:
          - foo
          - bar
          - baz
        - hold: True

    NOTE: For apt, ebuild, pacman, yumpkg, and zypper, version numbers can be specified in the pkgs argument. For example:

        - pkgs:
          - foo
          - bar: 1.2.3-4
          - baz

    Additionally, ebuild, pacman and zypper support the <, <=, >=, and > operators for more control over what versions will be installed. For


        - pkgs:
          - foo
          - bar: '>=1.2.3-4'
          - baz

    NOTE: When using comparison operators, the expression must be enclosed in quotes to avoid a YAML render error.

    With ebuild is also possible to specify a use flag list and/or if the given packages should be in package.accept_keywords file and/or the overlay from which you want the package to be installed.

    For example:

        - pkgs:
          - foo: '~'
          - bar: '~>=1.2:slot::overlay[use,-otheruse]'
          - baz
  • sources (list) --

    A list of packages to install, along with the source URI or local path from which to install each package. In the example below, foo, bar, baz, etc. refer to the name of the package, as it would appear in the output of the pkg.version or pkg.list_pkgs salt CLI commands.

        - sources:
          - foo: salt://rpms/foo.rpm
          - bar:
          - baz:
          - qux: /minion/path/to/qux.rpm


These are specific to each OS. If it does not apply to the execution module for your OS, it is ignored.

  • hold (bool) --

    Force the package to be held at the current installed version. Currently works with YUM & APT based systems.

    New in version 2014.7.0.

  • names (list) --

    A list of packages to install from a software repository. Each package will be installed individually by the package manager.


    Unlike pkgs, the names parameter cannot specify a version. In addition, it makes a separate call to the package management frontend to install each package, whereas pkgs makes just a single call. It is therefore recommended to use pkgs instead of names to install multiple packages, both for the additional features and the performance improvement that it brings.

  • install_recommends (bool) --

    Whether to install the packages marked as recommended. Default is True. Currently only works with APT-based systems.

    New in version 2015.5.0.

        - install_recommends: False
  • only_upgrade (bool) --

    Only upgrade the packages, if they are already installed. Default is False. Currently only works with APT-based systems.

    New in version 2015.5.0.

        - only_upgrade: True


    If this parameter is set to True and the package is not already installed, the state will fail.


A dictionary containing the state of the software installation

Rtype dict:


The pkg.installed state supports the usage of reload_modules. This functionality allows you to force Salt to reload all modules. In many cases, Salt is clever enough to transparently reload the modules. For example, if you install a package, Salt reloads modules because some other module or state might require the package which was installed. However, there are some edge cases where this may not be the case, which is what reload_modules is meant to resolve.

You should only use reload_modules if your pkg.installed does some sort of installation where if you do not reload the modules future items in your state which rely on the software being installed will fail. Please see the Reloading Modules documentation for more information.

salt.states.pkg.latest(name, refresh=None, fromrepo=None, skip_verify=False, pkgs=None, watch_flags=True, **kwargs)

Ensure that the named package is installed and the latest available package. If the package can be updated, this state function will update the package. Generally it is better for the installed function to be used, as latest will update the package whenever a new package is available.

The name of the package to maintain at the latest available version. This parameter is ignored if "pkgs" is used.
Specify a repository from which to install
Skip the GPG verification check for the package to be installed

This parameter controls whether or not the packge repo database is updated prior to checking for the latest available version of the requested packages.

If True, the package database will be refreshed (apt-get update or equivalent, depending on platform) before checking for the latest available version of the requested packages.

If False, the package database will not be refreshed before checking.

If unset, then Salt treats package database refreshes differently depending on whether or not a pkg state has been executed already during the current Salt run. Once a refresh has been performed in a pkg state, for the remainder of that Salt run no other refreshes will be performed for pkg states which do not explicitly set refresh to True. This prevents needless additional refreshes from slowing down the Salt run.

Multiple Package Installation Options:

(Not yet supported for: FreeBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS, and Solaris pkgutil)

A list of packages to maintain at the latest available version.
    - pkgs:
      - foo
      - bar
      - baz

Whether to install the packages marked as recommended. Default is True. Currently only works with APT-based systems.

New in version 2015.5.0.

    - install_recommends: False

Only upgrade the packages, if they are already installed. Default is False. Currently only works with APT-based systems.

New in version 2015.5.0.

    - only_upgrade: True


If this parameter is set to True and the package is not already installed, the state will fail.

salt.states.pkg.mod_aggregate(low, chunks, running)

The mod_aggregate function which looks up all packages in the available low chunks and merges them into a single pkgs ref in the present low data

salt.states.pkg.purged(name, version=None, pkgs=None, normalize=True, ignore_epoch=False, **kwargs)

Verify that a package is not installed, calling pkg.purge if necessary to purge the package. All configuration files are also removed.

The name of the package to be purged.

The version of the package that should be removed. Don't do anything if the package is installed with an unmatching version.


As of version 2015.8.7, for distros which use yum/dnf, packages which have a version with a nonzero epoch (that is, versions which start with a number followed by a colon like in the example above) must have the epoch included when specifying the version number. For example:

    - version: 2:7.4.160-1.el7

In version 2015.8.9, an ignore_epoch argument has been added to pkg.installed, pkg.removed, and pkg.purged states, which causes the epoch to be disregarded when the state checks to see if the desired version was installed. If ignore_epoch was not set to True, and instead of 2:7.4.160-1.el7 a version of 7.4.160-1.el7 were used, this state would report success since the actual installed version includes the epoch, and the specified version would not match.

: True

Normalize the package name by removing the architecture, if the architecture of the package is different from the architecture of the operating system. The ability to disable this behavior is useful for poorly-created packages which include the architecture as an actual part of the name, such as kernel modules which match a specific kernel version.

New in version 2015.8.0.

: False

When a package version contains an non-zero epoch (e.g. 1:3.14.159-2.el7, and a specific version of a package is desired, set this option to True to ignore the epoch when comparing versions. This allows for the following SLS to be used:

# Actual vim-enhanced version: 2:7.4.160-1.el7
    - version: 7.4.160-1.el7
    - ignore_epoch: True

Without this option set to True in the above example, the state would falsely report success since the actual installed version is 2:7.4.160-1.el7. Alternatively, this option can be left as False and the full version string (with epoch) can be specified in the SLS file:

    - version: 2:7.4.160-1.el7

New in version 2015.8.9.

Multiple Package Options:

A list of packages to purge. Must be passed as a python list. The name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed. It accepts version numbers as well.

New in version 0.16.0.

salt.states.pkg.removed(name, version=None, pkgs=None, normalize=True, ignore_epoch=False, **kwargs)

Verify that a package is not installed, calling pkg.remove if necessary to remove the package.

The name of the package to be removed.

The version of the package that should be removed. Don't do anything if the package is installed with an unmatching version.


As of version 2015.8.7, for distros which use yum/dnf, packages which have a version with a nonzero epoch (that is, versions which start with a number followed by a colon like in the example above) must have the epoch included when specifying the version number. For example:

    - version: 2:7.4.160-1.el7

In version 2015.8.9, an ignore_epoch argument has been added to pkg.installed, pkg.removed, and pkg.purged states, which causes the epoch to be disregarded when the state checks to see if the desired version was installed. If ignore_epoch was not set to True, and instead of 2:7.4.160-1.el7 a version of 7.4.160-1.el7 were used, this state would report success since the actual installed version includes the epoch, and the specified version would not match.

: True

Normalize the package name by removing the architecture, if the architecture of the package is different from the architecture of the operating system. The ability to disable this behavior is useful for poorly-created packages which include the architecture as an actual part of the name, such as kernel modules which match a specific kernel version.

New in version 2015.8.0.

: False

When a package version contains an non-zero epoch (e.g. 1:3.14.159-2.el7, and a specific version of a package is desired, set this option to True to ignore the epoch when comparing versions. This allows for the following SLS to be used:

# Actual vim-enhanced version: 2:7.4.160-1.el7
    - version: 7.4.160-1.el7
    - ignore_epoch: True

Without this option set to True in the above example, the state would falsely report success since the actual installed version is 2:7.4.160-1.el7. Alternatively, this option can be left as False and the full version string (with epoch) can be specified in the SLS file:

    - version: 2:7.4.160-1.el7

New in version 2015.8.9.

Multiple Package Options:

A list of packages to remove. Must be passed as a python list. The name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed. It accepts version numbers as well.

New in version 0.16.0.

salt.states.pkg.uptodate(name, refresh=False, **kwargs)

New in version 2014.7.0.

Verify that the system is completely up to date.

The name has no functional value and is only used as a tracking reference
refresh the package database before checking for new upgrades

Any keyword arguments to pass through to pkg.upgrade.

New in version 2015.5.0.