
Support for reboot, shutdown, etc


Get PRETTY_HOSTNAME value stored in /etc/machine-info If this file doesn't exist or the variable doesn't exist return False.

Returns:Value of PRETTY_HOSTNAME if this does not exist False.
Return type:str

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.get_computer_desc

Get the system date

Parameters:utc_offset (str) -- The utc offset in 4 digit (+0600) format with an

optional sign (+/-). Will default to None which will use the local timezone. To set the time based off of UTC use "'+0000'". Note: if being passed through the command line will need to be quoted twice to allow negative offsets. :return: Returns the system date. :rtype: str

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.get_system_date

Get the system date/time.

Parameters:utc_offset (str) -- The utc offset in 4 digit (+0600) format with an

optional sign (+/-). Will default to None which will use the local timezone. To set the time based off of UTC use "'+0000'". Note: if being passed through the command line will need to be quoted twice to allow negative offsets. :return: Returns the system time in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. :rtype: str

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.get_system_date_time "'-0500'"

Get the system time.

Parameters:utc_offset (str) -- The utc offset in 4 digit (+0600) format with an

optional sign (+/-). Will default to None which will use the local timezone. To set the time based off of UTC use "'+0000'". Note: if being passed through the command line will need to be quoted twice to allow negative offsets. :return: Returns the system time in HH:MM AM/PM format. :rtype: str

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.get_system_time

Halt a running system

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.halt

Change the system runlevel on sysV compatible systems

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.init 3

Poweroff a running system

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.poweroff

Reboot the system

The wait time in minutes before the system will be rebooted.

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.reboot

Set PRETTY_HOSTNAME value stored in /etc/machine-info This will create the file if it does not exist. If it is unable to create or modify this file returns False.

Parameters:desc (str) -- The computer description
Returns:False on failure. True if successful.

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.set_computer_desc "Michael's laptop"
salt.modules.system.set_system_date(newdate, utc_offset=None)

Set the Windows system date. Use <mm-dd-yy> format for the date.

Parameters:newdate (str) -- The date to set. Can be any of the following formats - YYYY-MM-DD - MM-DD-YYYY - MM-DD-YY - MM/DD/YYYY - MM/DD/YY - YYYY/MM/DD

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.set_system_date '03-28-13'
salt.modules.system.set_system_date_time(years=None, months=None, days=None, hours=None, minutes=None, seconds=None, utc_offset=None)

Set the system date and time. Each argument is an element of the date, but not required. If an element is not passed, the current system value for that element will be used. For example, if you don't pass the year, the current system year will be used. (Used by set_system_date and set_system_time)

  • years (int) -- Years digit, ie: 2015
  • months (int) -- Months digit: 1 - 12
  • days (int) -- Days digit: 1 - 31
  • hours (int) -- Hours digit: 0 - 23
  • minutes (int) -- Minutes digit: 0 - 59
  • seconds (int) -- Seconds digit: 0 - 59
  • utc_offset (str) -- The utc offset in 4 digit (+0600) format with an

optional sign (+/-). Will default to None which will use the local timezone. To set the time based off of UTC use "'+0000'". Note: if being passed through the command line will need to be quoted twice to allow negative offsets. :return: True if successful. Otherwise False. :rtype: bool

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.set_system_date_time 2015 5 12 11 37 53 "'-0500'"
salt.modules.system.set_system_time(newtime, utc_offset=None)

Set the system time.

  • newtime (str) --

    The time to set. Can be any of the following formats. - HH:MM:SS AM/PM - HH:MM AM/PM - HH:MM:SS (24 hour) - HH:MM (24 hour)

    Note that the salt command line parser parses the date/time before we obtain the argument (preventing us from doing utc) Therefore the argument must be passed in as a string. Meaning you may have to quote the text twice from the command line.

  • utc_offset (str) -- The utc offset in 4 digit (+0600) format with an

optional sign (+/-). Will default to None which will use the local timezone. To set the time based off of UTC use "'+0000'". Note: if being passed through the command line will need to be quoted twice to allow negative offsets. :return: Returns True if successful. Otherwise False. :rtype: bool

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.set_system_time "'11:20'"

Shutdown a running system

The wait time in minutes before the system will be shutdown.

CLI Example:

salt '*' system.shutdown 5