salt.modules.mac_softwareupdate module

Support for the softwareupdate command on MacOS.

Download a named update so that it can be installed later with the update or update_all functions

Parameters:name (str) -- The update to download.
Returns:True if successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

CLI Example:

salt '*' <update name>
salt.modules.mac_softwareupdate.download_all(recommended=False, restart=True)

Download all available updates so that they can be installed later with the update or update_all functions. It returns a list of updates that are now downloaded.

Parameters:recommended (bool) -- If set to True, only install the recommended

updates. If set to False (default) all updates are installed.

Parameters:restart (bool) -- Set this to False if you do not want to install updates

that require a restart. Default is True

Returns:A list containing all downloaded updates on the system.
Return type:list

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdate.download_all

New in version 2016.3.0.

Get the current catalog being used for update lookups. Will return a url if a custom catalog has been specified. Otherwise the word 'Default' will be returned

Returns:The catalog being used for update lookups
Return type:str

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdates.get_catalog

Ignore a specific program update. When an update is ignored the '-' and version number at the end will be omitted, so "SecUpd2014-001-1.0" becomes "SecUpd2014-001". It will be removed automatically if present. An update is successfully ignored when it no longer shows up after list_updates.

Parameters:name -- The name of the update to add to the ignore list.
Returns:True if successful, False if not
Return type:bool

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdate.ignore <update-name>
salt.modules.mac_softwareupdate.list_available(recommended=False, restart=False)

List all available updates.

  • recommended (bool) -- Show only recommended updates.
  • restart (bool) -- Show only updates that require a restart.

Returns a dictionary containing the updates

Return type:


CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdate.list_available

Return a list of all updates that have been downloaded locally.

Returns:A list of updates that have been downloaded
Return type:list

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdate.list_downloads

List all updates that have been ignored. Ignored updates are shown without the '-' and version number at the end, this is how the softwareupdate command works.

Returns:The list of ignored updates
Return type:list

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdate.list_ignored

New in version 2016.3.0.

Reset the Software Update Catalog to the default.

Returns:True if successful, False if not
Return type:bool

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdates.reset_catalog

Make sure the ignored updates are not ignored anymore, returns a list of the updates that are no longer ignored.

Returns:True if the list was reset, Otherwise False
Return type:bool

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdate.reset_ignored

Enable/disable automatic update scheduling.

Parameters:enable -- True/On/Yes/1 to turn on automatic updates. False/No/Off/0 to

turn off automatic updates. If this value is empty, the current status will be returned. :type: bool str

Returns:True if scheduling is enabled, False if disabled
Return type:bool

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdate.schedule_enable on|off

Check the status of automatic update scheduling.

Returns:True if scheduling is enabled, False if disabled - True: Automatic checking is on, - False: Automatic checking is off,
Return type:bool

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdate.schedule_enabled

New in version 2016.3.0.

Set the Software Update Catalog to the URL specified

Parameters:url (str) -- The url to the update catalog
Returns:True if successful, False if not
Return type:bool

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdates.set_catalog http://swupd.local:8888/index.sucatalog

Install a named update.

Parameters:name (str) -- The name of the of the update to install.
Returns:True if successfully updated, otherwise False
Return type:bool

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdate.update <update-name>
salt.modules.mac_softwareupdate.update_all(recommended=False, restart=True)

Install all available updates. Returns a dictionary containing the name of the update and the status of its installation.

Parameters:recommended (bool) -- If set to True, only install the recommended

updates. If set to False (default) all updates are installed.

Parameters:restart (bool) -- Set this to False if you do not want to install updates

that require a restart. Default is True

Returns:A dictionary containing the updates that were installed and the

status of its installation. If no updates were installed an empty dictionary is returned. :rtype: dict - True: The update was installed. - False: The update was not installed.

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdate.update_all

Check whether or not an update is available with a given name.

Parameters:name (str) -- The name of the update to look for
Returns:True if available, False if not
Return type:bool

CLI Example:

salt '*' softwareupdate.update_available <update-name>
salt '*' softwareupdate.update_available "<update with whitespace>"