
The function cache system allows for data to be stored on the master so it can be easily read by other minions


Remove specific function contents of minion. Returns True on success.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mine.delete 'network.interfaces'

Remove all mine contents of minion. Returns True on success.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mine.flush
salt.modules.mine.get(tgt, fun, expr_form='glob', exclude_minion=False)

Get data from the mine based on the target, function and expr_form

Targets can be matched based on any standard matching system that can be matched on the master via these keywords:


Note that all pillar matches, whether using the compound matching system or the pillar matching system, will be exact matches, with globbing disabled.

Excludes the current minion from the result set

CLI Example:

salt '*' mine.get '*' network.interfaces
salt '*' mine.get 'os:Fedora' network.interfaces grain
salt '*' mine.get 'os:Fedora and S@' network.ipaddrs compound

See also

Retrieving Mine data from Pillar and Orchestrate

This execution module is intended to be executed on minions. Master-side operations such as Pillar or Orchestrate that require Mine data should use the Mine Runner module instead; it can be invoked from an SLS file using the saltutil.runner module. For example:

{% set minion_ips = salt.saltutil.runner('mine.get',
    tgt_type='glob') %}
salt.modules.mine.get_docker(interfaces=None, cidrs=None, with_container_id=False)

Get all mine data for 'docker.get_containers' and run an aggregation routine. The "interfaces" parameter allows for specifying which network interfaces to select ip addresses from. The "cidrs" parameter allows for specifying a list of cidrs which the ip address must match.


Boolean, to expose container_id in the list of results

New in version 2015.8.2.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mine.get_docker
salt '*' mine.get_docker interfaces='eth0'
salt '*' mine.get_docker interfaces='["eth0", "eth1"]'
salt '*' mine.get_docker cidrs=''
salt '*' mine.get_docker cidrs='["", ""]'
salt '*' mine.get_docker interfaces='["eth0", "eth1"]' cidrs='["", ""]'
salt.modules.mine.send(func, *args, **kwargs)

Send a specific function to the mine.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mine.send network.ip_addrs eth0
salt '*' mine.send eth0_ip_addrs mine_function=network.ip_addrs eth0

Execute the configured functions and send the data back up to the master. The functions to be executed are merged from the master config, pillar and minion config under the option mine_functions:

    - eth0
  disk.usage: []

The function cache will be populated with information from executing these functions

CLI Example:

salt '*' mine.update