
Runner module to directly manage the git external pillar

salt.runners.git_pillar.update(branch=None, repo=None)

New in version 2014.1.0.

Changed in version 2015.8.4: This runner function now supports the new git_pillar configuration schema introduced in 2015.8.0. Additionally, the branch and repo can now be omitted to update all git_pillar remotes. The return data has also changed. For releases 2015.8.3 and earlier, there is no value returned. Starting with 2015.8.4, the return data is a dictionary. If using the old git_pillar configuration schema, then the dictionary values will be True if the update completed without error, and False if an error occurred. If using the new git_pillar configuration schema, the values will be True only if new commits were fetched, and False if there were errors or no new commits were fetched.

Fetch one or all configured git_pillar remotes.


This will not fast-forward the git_pillar cachedir on the master. All it does is perform a git fetch. If this runner is executed with -l debug, you may see a log message that says that the repo is up-to-date. Keep in mind that Salt automatically fetches git_pillar repos roughly every 60 seconds (or whatever loop_interval is set to). So, it is possible that the repo was fetched automatically in the time between when changes were pushed to the repo, and when this runner was executed. When in doubt, simply refresh pillar data using saltutil.refresh_pillar and then use pillar.item to check if the pillar data has changed as expected.

CLI Example:

# Update specific branch and repo
salt-run git_pillar.update branch='branch' repo=''
# Update all repos (2015.8.4 and later)
salt-run git_pillar.update
# Run with debug logging
salt-run git_pillar.update -l debug