
States to manage git repositories and git configuration


Before using git over ssh, make sure your remote host fingerprint exists in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.

Changed in version 2015.8.8: This state module now requires git 1.6.5 (released 10 October 2009) or newer.

salt.states.git.config_set(name, value=None, multivar=None, repo=None, user=None, password=None, **kwargs)

New in version 2014.7.0.

Changed in version 2015.8.0: Renamed from git.config to git.config_set. For earlier versions, use git.config.

Ensure that a config value is set to the desired value(s)

Name of the git config value to set
Set a single value for the config item

Set multiple values for the config item


The order matters here, if the same parameters are set but in a different order, they will be removed and replaced in the order specified.

New in version 2015.8.0.

Location of the git repository for which the config value should be set. Required unless global is set to True.
User under which to run git commands. By default, the commands are run by the user under which the minion is running.
Windows only. Required when specifying user. This parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms.

New in version 2016.3.4.

: False

If True, this will set a global git config option

Changed in version 2015.8.0: Option renamed from is_global to global. For earlier versions, use is_global.

Local Config Example:

# Single value
    - name:
    - value:
    - repo: /path/to/repo

# Multiple values
    - name: mysection.myattribute
    - multivar:
      - foo
      - bar
      - baz
    - repo: /path/to/repo

Global Config Example (User ``foo``):

    - name:
    - value: Foo Bar
    - user: foo
    - global: True
salt.states.git.config_unset(name, value_regex=None, repo=None, user=None, password=None, **kwargs)

New in version 2015.8.0.

Ensure that the named config key is not present

The name of the configuration key to unset. This value can be a regex, but the regex must match the entire key name. For example, foo\. would not match all keys in the foo section, it would be necessary to use foo\..+ to do so.

Regex indicating the values to unset for the matching key(s)


This option behaves differently depending on whether or not all is set to True. If it is, then all values matching the regex will be deleted (this is the only way to delete multiple values from a multivar). If all is set to False, then this state will fail if the regex matches more than one value in a multivar.

: False
If True, unset all matches
Location of the git repository for which the config value should be set. Required unless global is set to True.
User under which to run git commands. By default, commands are run by the user under which the minion is running.
Windows only. Required when specifying user. This parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms.

New in version 2016.3.4.

: False
If True, this will set a global git config option


# Value matching 'baz'
    - name:
    - value_regex: 'baz'
    - repo: /path/to/repo

# Ensure entire multivar is unset
    - name:
    - all: True

# Ensure all variables in 'foo' section are unset, including multivars
    - name: 'foo\..+'
    - all: True

# Ensure that global config value is unset
    - name:
    - global: True
salt.states.git.detached(name, ref, target=None, remote='origin', user=None, password=None, force_clone=False, force_checkout=False, fetch_remote=True, hard_reset=False, submodules=False, identity=None, https_user=None, https_pass=None, onlyif=False, unless=False, **kwargs)

New in version 2016.3.0.

Make sure a repository is cloned to the given target directory and is a detached HEAD checkout of the commit ID resolved from ref.

Address of the remote repository.
The branch, tag, or commit ID to checkout after clone. If a branch or tag is specified it will be resolved to a commit ID and checked out.
Name of the target directory where repository is about to be cloned.
: origin
Git remote to use. If this state needs to clone the repo, it will clone it using this value as the initial remote name. If the repository already exists, and a remote by this name is not present, one will be added.
User under which to run git commands. By default, commands are run by the user under which the minion is running.
Windows only. Required when specifying user. This parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms.

New in version 2016.3.4.

: False
If the target directory exists and is not a git repository, then this state will fail. Set this argument to True to remove the contents of the target directory and clone the repo into it.
: False
When checking out the revision ID, the state will fail if there are unwritten changes. Set this argument to True to discard unwritten changes when checking out.
: True
If False a fetch will not be performed and only local refs will be reachable.
: False

If True a hard reset will be performed before the checkout and any uncommitted modifications to the working directory will be discarded. Untracked files will remain in place.


Changes resulting from a hard reset will not trigger requisites.

: False
Update submodules
A path on the minion (or a SaltStack fileserver URL, e.g. salt://path/to/identity_file) to a private key to use for SSH authentication.
HTTP Basic Auth username for HTTPS (only) clones
HTTP Basic Auth password for HTTPS (only) clones
A command to run as a check, run the named command only if the command passed to the onlyif option returns true
A command to run as a check, only run the named command if the command passed to the unless option returns false
salt.states.git.latest(name, rev='HEAD', target=None, branch=None, user=None, password=None, update_head=True, force_checkout=False, force_clone=False, force_fetch=False, force_reset=False, submodules=False, bare=False, mirror=False, remote='origin', fetch_tags=True, depth=None, identity=None, https_user=None, https_pass=None, onlyif=False, unless=False, **kwargs)

Make sure the repository is cloned to the given directory and is up-to-date.


Address of the remote repository, as passed to git clone


From the Git documentation, there are two URL formats supported for SSH authentication. The below two examples are equivalent:

# ssh:// URL

# SCP-like syntax

A common mistake is to use an ssh:// URL, but with a colon after the domain instead of a slash. This is invalid syntax in Git, and will therefore not work in Salt. When in doubt, confirm that a git clone works for the URL before using it in Salt.

It has been reported by some users that SCP-like syntax is incompatible with git repos hosted on Atlassian Stash/BitBucket Server. In these cases, it may be necessary to use ssh:// URLs for SSH authentication.


The remote branch, tag, or revision ID to checkout after clone / before update. If specified, then Salt will also ensure that the tracking branch is set to <remote>/<rev>, unless rev refers to a tag or SHA1, in which case Salt will ensure that the tracking branch is unset.

If rev is not specified, it will be assumed to be HEAD, and Salt will not manage the tracking branch at all.

Changed in version 2015.8.0: If not specified, rev now defaults to the remote repository's HEAD.

Name of the target directory where repository is about to be cloned

Name of the local branch into which to checkout the specified rev. If not specified, then Salt will not care what branch is being used locally and will just use whatever branch is currently there.

New in version 2015.8.0.


If this argument is not specified, this means that Salt will not change the local branch if the repository is reset to another branch/tag/SHA1. For example, assume that the following state was run initially:

    - name: https://mydomain.tld/apps/foo.git
    - target: /var/www/foo
    - user: www

This would have cloned the HEAD of that repo (since a rev wasn't specified), and because branch is not specified, the branch in the local clone at /var/www/foo would be whatever the default branch is on the remote repository (usually master, but not always). Now, assume that it becomes necessary to switch this checkout to the dev branch. This would require rev to be set, and probably would also require force_reset to be enabled:

    - name: https://mydomain.tld/apps/foo.git
    - target: /var/www/foo
    - user: www
    - rev: dev
    - force_reset: True

The result of this state would be to perform a hard-reset to origin/dev. Since branch was not specified though, while /var/www/foo would reflect the contents of the remote repo's dev branch, the local branch would still remain whatever it was when it was cloned. To make the local branch match the remote one, set branch as well, like so:

    - name: https://mydomain.tld/apps/foo.git
    - target: /var/www/foo
    - user: www
    - rev: dev
    - branch: dev
    - force_reset: True

This may seem redundant, but Salt tries to support a wide variety of use cases, and doing it this way allows for the use case where the local branch doesn't need to be strictly managed.


Local system user under which to run git commands. By default, commands are run by the user under which the minion is running.


This is not to be confused with the username for http(s)/SSH authentication.

New in version 0.17.0.


Windows only. Required when specifying user. This parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms.

New in version 2016.3.4.

: True

If set to False, then the remote repository will be fetched (if necessary) to ensure that the commit to which rev points exists in the local checkout, but no changes will be made to the local HEAD.

New in version 2015.8.3.

: False

Deprecated since version 2015.8.0: Use force_clone instead. For earlier Salt versions, force must be used.

: False
When checking out the local branch, the state will fail if there are unwritten changes. Set this argument to True to discard unwritten changes when checking out.
: False
If the target directory exists and is not a git repository, then this state will fail. Set this argument to True to remove the contents of the target directory and clone the repo into it.
: False

If a fetch needs to be performed, non-fast-forward fetches will cause this state to fail. Set this argument to True to force the fetch even if it is a non-fast-forward update.

New in version 2015.8.0.

: False
If the update is not a fast-forward, this state will fail. Set this argument to True to force a hard-reset to the remote revision in these cases.
: False
Update submodules on clone or branch change
: False
Set to True if the repository is to be a bare clone of the remote repository.
Set to True if the repository is to be a mirror of the remote repository. This implies that bare set to True, and thus is incompatible with rev.
: origin
Git remote to use. If this state needs to clone the repo, it will clone it using this value as the initial remote name. If the repository already exists, and a remote by this name is not present, one will be added.

Deprecated since version 2015.8.0: Use remote instead. For earlier Salt versions, remote_name must be used.

: True
If True, then when a fetch is performed all tags will be fetched, even those which are not reachable by any branch on the remote.
Defines depth in history when git a clone is needed in order to ensure latest. E.g. depth: 1 is useful when deploying from a repository with a long history. Use rev to specify branch. This is not compatible with tags or revision IDs.

Path to a private key to use for ssh URLs. This can be either a single string, or a list of strings. For example:

# Single key
    - user: deployer
    - identity: /home/deployer/.ssh/id_rsa

# Two keys
    - user: deployer
    - identity:
      - /home/deployer/.ssh/id_rsa
      - /home/deployer/.ssh/id_rsa_alternate

If multiple keys are specified, they will be tried one-by-one in order for each git command which needs to authenticate.


Unless Salt is invoked from the minion using salt-call, the key(s) must be passphraseless. For greater security with passphraseless private keys, see the sshd(8) manpage for information on securing the keypair from the remote side in the authorized_keys file.

Changed in version 2015.8.7: Salt will no longer attempt to use passphrase-protected keys unless invoked from the minion using salt-call, to prevent blocking waiting for user input.

Changed in version 2016.3.0: Key can now be specified as a SaltStack fileserver URL (e.g. salt://path/to/identity_file).


HTTP Basic Auth username for HTTPS (only) clones

New in version 2015.5.0.


HTTP Basic Auth password for HTTPS (only) clones

New in version 2015.5.0.

A command to run as a check, run the named command only if the command passed to the onlyif option returns true
A command to run as a check, only run the named command if the command passed to the unless option returns false


Clashing ID declarations can be avoided when including different branches from the same git repository in the same SLS file by using the name argument. The example below checks out the gh-pages and gh-pages-prod branches from the same repository into separate directories. The example also sets up the ssh_known_hosts ssh key required to perform the git checkout.

Also, it has been reported that the SCP-like syntax for
    - present
    - user: root
    - enc: ecdsa
    - fingerprint: 4e:94:b0:54:c1:5b:29:a2:70:0e:e1:a3:51:ee:ee:e3

    - name:
    - rev: gh-pages
    - target: /usr/share/nginx/staging
    - identity: /root/.ssh/website_id_rsa
    - require:
      - pkg: git
      - ssh_known_hosts:

    - name:
    - rev: gh-pages
    - target: /usr/share/nginx/staging
    - identity: salt://website/id_rsa
    - require:
      - pkg: git
      - ssh_known_hosts:

    - name:
    - rev: gh-pages-prod
    - target: /usr/share/nginx/prod
    - identity: /root/.ssh/website_id_rsa
    - require:
      - pkg: git
      - ssh_known_hosts:
salt.states.git.mod_run_check(cmd_kwargs, onlyif, unless)

Execute the onlyif and unless logic. Return a result dict if:

  • onlyif failed (onlyif != 0)
  • unless succeeded (unless == 0)

Otherwise, returns True

salt.states.git.present(name, force=False, bare=True, template=None, separate_git_dir=None, shared=None, user=None, password=None)

Ensure that a repository exists in the given directory


If the minion has Git 2.5 or later installed, name points to a worktree, and force is set to True, then the worktree will be deleted. This has been corrected in Salt 2015.8.0.


Path to the directory

Changed in version 2015.8.0: This path must now be absolute

: False
If True, and if name points to an existing directory which does not contain a git repository, then the contents of that directory will be recursively removed and a new repository will be initialized in its place.
: True

If True, and a repository must be initialized, then the repository will be a bare repository.


This differs from the default behavior of git.init, make sure to set this value to False if a bare repo is not desired.


If a new repository is initialized, this argument will specify an alternate `template directory`_

New in version 2015.8.0.


If a new repository is initialized, this argument will specify an alternate $GIT_DIR

New in version 2015.8.0.


Set sharing permissions on git repo. See git-init(1) for more details.

New in version 2015.5.0.


User under which to run git commands. By default, commands are run by the user under which the minion is running.

New in version 0.17.0.

Windows only. Required when specifying user. This parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms.

New in version 2016.3.4.