
The pkgbuild state is the front of Salt package building backend. It automatically

New in version 2015.8.0.

    - runas: thatch
    - results:
      - salt-2015.5.2-2.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
      - salt-api-2015.5.2-2.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
      - salt-cloud-2015.5.2-2.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
      - salt-master-2015.5.2-2.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
      - salt-minion-2015.5.2-2.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
      - salt-ssh-2015.5.2-2.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
      - salt-syndic-2015.5.2-2.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
    - dest_dir: /tmp/pkg
    - spec: salt://pkg/salt/spec/salt.spec
    - template: jinja
    - deps:
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/required_dependency.rpm
    - tgt: epel-7-x86_64
    - sources:
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/logrotate.salt
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/README.fedora
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/salt-2015.5.2.tar.gz
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/salt-2015.5.2-tests.patch
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/salt-api
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/salt-api.service
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/salt-master
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/salt-master.service
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/salt-minion
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/salt-minion.service
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/saltpkg.sls
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/salt-syndic
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/salt-syndic.service
      - salt://pkg/salt/sources/SaltTesting-2015.5.8.tar.gz
salt.states.pkgbuild.built(name, runas, dest_dir, spec, sources, tgt, template=None, deps=None, env=None, results=None, force=False, always=None, saltenv='base', log_dir='/var/log/salt/pkgbuild')

Ensure that the named package is built and exists in the named directory

The name to track the build, the name value is otherwise unused
The user to run the build process as
The directory on the minion to place the built package(s)
The location of the spec file (used for rpms)
The list of package sources
The target platform to run the build on

Run the spec file through a templating engine

Changed in version 2015.8.2: This argument is now optional, allowing for no templating engine to be used if none is desired.

Packages required to ensure that the named package is built can be hosted on either the salt master server or on an HTTP or FTP server. Both HTTPS and HTTP are supported as well as downloading directly from Amazon S3 compatible URLs with both pre-configured and automatic IAM credentials

A dictionary of environment variables to be set prior to execution. Example:

- env:
    DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS: 'nocheck'


The above illustrates a common PyYAML pitfall, that yes, no, on, off, true, and false are all loaded as boolean True and False values, and must be enclosed in quotes to be used as strings. More info on this (and other) PyYAML idiosyncrasies can be found here.

The names of the expected rpms that will be built
: False

If True, packages will be built even if they already exist in the dest_dir. This is useful when building a package for continuous or nightly package builds.

New in version 2015.8.2.


If True, packages will be built even if they already exist in the dest_dir. This is useful when building a package for continuous or nightly package builds.

Deprecated since version 2015.8.2: Use force instead.

The saltenv to use for files downloaded from the salt filesever
: /var/log/salt/rpmbuild

Root directory for log files created from the build. Logs will be organized by package name, version, OS release, and CPU architecture under this directory.

New in version 2015.8.2.

salt.states.pkgbuild.repo(name, keyid=None, env=None)

Make a package repository, the name is directoty to turn into a repo. This state is best used with onchanges linked to your package building states

The directory to find packages that will be in the repository
Optional Key ID to use in signing repository

A dictionary of environment variables to be utlilized in creating the repository. Example:

- env:
    OPTIONS: 'ask-passphrase'


The above illustrates a common PyYAML pitfall, that yes, no, on, off, true, and false are all loaded as boolean True and False values, and must be enclosed in quotes to be used as strings. More info on this (and other) PyYAML idiosyncrasies can be found here.

Use of OPTIONS on some platforms, for example: ask-passphrase, will require gpg-agent or similar to cache passphrases.