
Module for managing block devices

New in version 2014.7.0.

Deprecated since version 2016.11.0: Merged to disk module

salt.modules.blockdev.format_(device, fs_type='ext4', inode_size=None, lazy_itable_init=None, force=False)

Format a filesystem onto a block device

New in version 2015.8.2.

Deprecated since version 2016.11.0.

The block device in which to create the new filesystem
The type of filesystem to create

Size of the inodes

This option is only enabled for ext and xfs filesystems


If enabled and the uninit_bg feature is enabled, the inode table will not be fully initialized by mke2fs. This speeds up filesystem initialization noticeably, but it requires the kernel to finish initializing the filesystem in the background when the filesystem is first mounted. If the option value is omitted, it defaults to 1 to enable lazy inode table zeroing.

This option is only enabled for ext filesystems


Force mke2fs to create a filesystem, even if the specified device is not a partition on a block special device. This option is only enabled for ext and xfs filesystems

This option is dangerous, use it with caution.

New in version 2016.11.0.

CLI Example:

salt '*' blockdev.format /dev/sdX1

Return the filesystem name of a block device

New in version 2015.8.2.

Deprecated since version 2016.11.0.

The name of the block device

CLI Example:

salt '*' blockdev.fstype /dev/sdX1